Thursday, March 26, 2015

Alaska Iditarod Races

      I've always wanted to visit Alaska, so this year I organize a trip with my group "Gypsy On The Fly" to head up there to watch the opening celebrations of the Iditarod races. The opening celebration starts in Anchorage, Alaska, the actual race though begins in Willow.    Unfortunately this year Alaska was at an unusual high of 36° which produced no snow in Anchorage. A very bizarre weather occurrence that had never occurred before during that time. Seeing that there was no snow, the city of Alaska actually had to bring in snow from the other parts of the state in order to hold the celebrations. 

    It was exciting to see firsthand how much the dogs love to race. There is a huge misconception that the dogs are mistreated, but these dogs were born and bred to race in Alaska, and in the freezing cold weather. You could tell with their excitement and every jump in the air that they had nothing but love for this once a year event. 

   Seeing we got there the day before, we were able to see the mushers come in with their dog sleds and watch them set up for the next day. All the dogs get drug tested before they are allowed to be put in the race. We even got to interact with the dogs before the parade started and talk with the mushers. It was awesome to be up close to the action. 

  Getting up close to the beautiful sled dogs. 

  I'd have to say being able to interact with the dogs was the best part of the celebration. They were all friendly and excited to be apart of this event that they obviously loved. 

   I was mesmerized by these beautiful dogs and their deep blue eyes. You can tell that the mushers love these dogs and take very good care of them. It definitely put my mind at ease about this sport. 

The mushers posing for pictures for the local newspapers

   Even though it was only 36° in Anchorage, which was a high for them, it sure felt colder with the windchill factor, and standing outside for hours watching each musher go by sent a chill through  your bones. But nevertheless we had an awesome time standing out there cheering them on. We were one of the few lucky ones to be able to get the face scarves that volunteers were handing out to the crowds.

   Yes it was a huge thing for Anchorage not to get snow and all the news crews were there to cover the story on this unlikely event in the weather. Of course we never expected to be put on CNN news and be seen around the world. I still believe it was my fur hat that I bought there that got us on camera.  

    Of course when you're in Alaska you have to try the reindeer hot dogs. I must say they were pretty delicious. Because when in Rome you do as the Romans do! 

Karen thinks reindeer hot dogs are delicious too! 

This is the scene from the other side of town where the mushers were finishing up the parade. 

 I tried to see Russia from Anchorage, Alaska, but apparently I must of forgotten my glasses?!?!? 

  Now this is the stuff that I would buy if I lived in Alaska. Being from Austin, Texas I usually don't do the whole fur thing because of PETA and all, but if I lived in Alaska I would totally be sporting some nice fur. 

  Looks like we don't mind sporting our fur hats while we shopped around town. It does keep you warm after all! 

   While we were there to see the celebrations and parade, we thought we'd sign up for the running with the reindeer race....Why not? This crazy race happens every year were everybody dresses up and runs in the cold weather with the reindeer. Something that should not be missed.  

Lyli and Lisa before the race....getting pumped up! 

  Lisa and I made it too the finish line without being trampled over by the reindeers. 

  I think the reindeer were more scared than we were of the race. Luckily everyone survive! 

    Nothing like heading out to explore the open roads of Alaska with your gypsy sisters. So off we went the next day to check out what else Alaska had in store for us.  It's such a beautiful state and the weather was just right for us. I guess we got lucky it wasn't below zero.   

  We made stops along the way to take in the beautiful scenery and just breath in the fresh air of the mountains. The views are unbelievable to see in person. 

   We took a ride in the Alyeka tramway up on top of the ski resort and then had lunch at the restaurant there. They had $5 beer on tap which is always a plus after a hard day of skiing. 

   We then stopped at the AlaskaWildlife  Conservation Center to check out the Buffalo and other animals. 

I absolutely love to see the beautiful buffaloes roam the open fields. They really have done a great job in order to provide a place for these beautiful creatures. 

   Our last day in Alaska we took a two hour drive to Seward, Alaska, a little small fishing town. Not a whole lot to see in the small little town in fact it seemed like it was almost deserted. We did find a cute little restaurant on the water that had some awesome food and some great beer on tap. 

  Who would of thought a little sea town had such an awesome selection of beer on tap. Happy days! 

  This by far has been one of the best trips that gypsy on the fly has taken with other gypsy sisters. It was awesome meeting other travel nurses that were on assignment in Alaska at the time. We really have a bond like no other.  

     Saying goodbye to this beautiful state was bitter sweet, but has made me want to one day take an assignment here. Winter or summer, anytime spent here is worth it. Just bring your fur jacket if it's cold. 


  1. Great write up, Sherry! Seems like a lifetime ago since you guys went!

  2. Oh wow Sherry, awesome blog. You need to write a book.. That was a fantastic group. Hoping for same in Paris... I do not do well with drama queens.. lol your amazing and I love you to pieces... My beautiful beautiful friend.. ��������

    1. I love you too my friend! Paris is going to be amazing.


  3. Oh wow Sherry, awesome blog. You need to write a book.. That was a fantastic group. Hoping for same in Paris... I do not do well with drama queens.. lol your amazing and I love you to pieces... My beautiful beautiful friend.. ��������

  4. we had an amazing time..but way to many crab legs thrown at this little sister��������.. Can't wait no time at all and we be running around Paris
